
Ultra hd video player Android App

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ultra hd video playerultra hd video playerultra hd video playerultra hd video player
The description of Ultra hd video player: The most powerful video player in android market. Ultra hd video player ultimate perfectly supports all popular video formats. It uses hardware decoding which make video play smoother. Its smart core technology auto detects video and audio formats and makes it much easier for you to enjoy smoother better quality videos. It is definitely your best partner when enjoying the movie and music! Key features: gesture controls h w s w inbuilt equalizer automatic search all mobile phone video and music files supports all video and audio playback formats supports multiple subtitle formats automatic synchronization using hardware decoding take advantage of hardware acceleration small memory simple operation quick start smooth playback support flash formats video flv asf videos thumbnail displays of videos ultra hd video playing memory optimization thumbnails for easy recognition 4k ultra hd auto optimization avi mp4 wmv flv 3gp mkv m2ts mov mpg mpeg rm rmvb wmv vob asf quicktime f4v ts hd ..

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