
Track data / calls, save money Android App

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track data / calls, save moneytrack data / calls, save moneytrack data / calls, save moneytrack data / calls, save money
The description of Track data / calls, save money: Planhound by a smart app that tracks data (gprs 2g 3g 4g) calls (incoming outgoing local std) sms. It helps you manage all telecom connections mobile data card internet landline dth in one place. Key featuressmart usage monitoring: automatically measures users mobile usage suggests best plan topup based on their usage lets them buy the recommended pack shows mobile phone usage with great visualization details how many voice calls were made roaming minutes used smss sent and data used breaks down calls by local vs national (std) mobile vs landline in network vs out network view usage across any historical three months date range great utility or free prepaid bill for all userssmart recommendations improved recommendations for both prepaid and postpaid that saves you money combines plan with the right topup booster pack rate cutter combination that saves money supports airtel myplan idea iplan docomo make your own plan where different combination of free topups are chosen based on users usagesmart connection detection live balances auto magically detects all connections a user owns across mobile internet (wired wireless) landline and dth gives user live recharge balances and 4g 3g 2g gprs data balances supports live balances for both single sim dual sim phones unifies all connections owned by a family in the cloud..

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