
Toy school - shapes and colors Android Game

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toy school - shapes and colorstoy school - shapes and colorstoy school - shapes and colorstoy school - shapes and colors
The description of Toy school - shapes and colors: Learning can be fun especially when your teachers are toys. Meet teddy doll and horse the fun trio of toy school teachers and learn about shapes and colors while playing fun games. You will match shapes do puzzles and color drawings. Teddy will reward you with a star each time you do well. Let s play and learn! Ldquo toy school shapes colors features 7 mini games that repeat and gradually get more challenging so that the child could learn shapes and colors step by step .Geometric shapes gamematch geometric shapes with teddy s drawings to learn colors and names of different shapes.Geometric pictures gamefind geometric shapes that match pictures to learn colors and names of different shapes.Object shapes gamescatch moving objects move onto drawings with a matching shapes and learn names of the objects.Coloring gameselect the correct crayon and color the picture.Toy shaped puzzle gamedrag toy parts onto the shape of the toy and ..

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