
The toucher : touch macro Android App

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the toucher : touch macrothe toucher : touch macrothe toucher : touch macrothe toucher : touch macro
The description of The toucher : touch macro: This application is used in the rooted phone. Simple way to use. 1. Start toucher and press record. And move to screen you want to. 2. Press record button on left top screen. You can move button with long press. And touch or drag or longpress screen where you want. 3. After all press finish button and save it. 4. Select item on toucher list. 5. Move screen and press start button on left top. Http: watch? V ebobz4w9ycysimple way to use. (Twice)1. Start toucher and press record . And move to screen you want to. 2. Press record button on left top screen. You can move button with long press. And touch screen twice where you want. 3. After all press finish button and save it. 4. Select item on toucher list. 5. Move screen and press start button on left top. For those who get tired of the monotonous repetition. For those who want for the well trained dog that can click while you are sleeping..

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