
That’s my moon Android Game

Free Apk Files » Adventure Games

that’s my moonthat’s my moonthat’s my moonthat’s my moon
The description of That’s my moon: This game is about an astronaut on the moon and then discovered mineral deposits to defend the moon story. But in the play the game is a simple upgrade to the shooter. Although there are 15 games off but the scene is the same differing only in the size and number of the enemy to make. Destroy enemy rockets can get money use that money to upgrade weapons and equipment. Have to say this game is quite abundant in the upgrade options weapons and upgrades in addition to a variety of skills . In addition to the enemy rockets meteorites are also floating in space you need to clear. Meteorites have a chance to get crystal clear collect qi crystal (picture bottom left of the upper part of the energy tank display) can launch a super weapon anti gravity device. This game is very pure for those who like to upgrade to a game with friends but probably not the public taste it!..

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