
Text to speech - naturalreader Android App

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text to speech - naturalreadertext to speech - naturalreadertext to speech - naturalreadertext to speech - naturalreader
The description of Text to speech - naturalreader: Welcome to naturalreader mobile text to speech app! Our application converts any written text into spoken words. With this cutting edge technology you can listen to webpages and documents instead of struggling to read from a screen. Naturalreader provides over 50 natural sounding voices in over 20 languages. It is also easy to use just double tap to start reading. Our user interface allows you to change the speaker speed text size and background colour to suit your preferences . The app supports pdf word documents ebooks html files and powerpoint. Naturalreader also provides a variety of ways to import text including a built in browser copy and paste input access to dropbox onedrive and google drive synchronization with the naturalreader desktop software and an import function to access documents from your android s micro sd. Reading tiny fonts from your phone or tablet screen can be tiring..

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