
Tengami customary Android Game

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tengami customarytengami customarytengami customarytengami customary
The description of Tengami customary: note for marshmallow users please reboot device once after game install. Tengami is an atmospheric adventure game set inside a japanese pop up book. Fold and slide the beautifully crafted paper world to solve puzzles and discover secrets. Award nominations: sxsw indiecade sown develop showcasetengami is a complete game with no in app purchases and no in game advertisements. Discover the wonders of a folding worldgo on a serene journey through japan of ancient fairy tales brought to life through striking visuals unique gameplay and haunting music. Experience dark forests abandoned shrines and tranquil mountain waterfalls as you seek to uncover the secret behind the lone dying cherry tree. First of its kind pop up book gameplaynot a book but a game inside a pop up book. Tengami plays like nothing else before it. Reach directly into the world to flip fold and slide parts of the world to delve deeper into your mysterious journey. .....

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