
Td jakes ministries Android App

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The description of Td jakes ministries: The official app of bishop t. D. Jakes and t. D. Jakes ministries. Stay connected with audio video devotionals podcasts books and a variety of resources from bishop t. D. Jakes. Watch live services from the potter 39 s house of dallas stay updated on the potter 39 s touch video broadcasts manpower conferences woman thou are loosed conferences megafest conferences and the international pastors and leadership conferences. T. D. Jakes is a charismatic leader visionary provocative thinker and entrepreneur who serves as senior pastor of the potter 39 s house a global humanitarian organization and 30 000 member church located in dallas. Get ready get ready get readyapp features include: niv bible reader audio bible verse sync technology watch as the text moves in sync at verse level with the niv live dramatized audio bible. As you hear the audio you will see the verses highlighted in verse level synchronization..

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