
Tamil english dictionary Android App

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tamil english dictionarytamil english dictionarytamil english dictionarytamil english dictionary
The description of Tamil english dictionary: Tamil to english dictionary it is a multi purpose resource not only for 39 tamil to english 39 and 39 english to tamil 39 conversion. Why do you need to install tamil english dictionary application? It has both tamil to english( around 20000+ words) and english to tamil( around 75000+ words) dictionaries. App itself has user friendly tamil soft keyboard to type tamil letters. No need of internet connectivity yes its offline app. It has 39 speak english 39 and 39 speak practice 39 feature to improve english language skill. It contains tamil meaning of 39 phrasal verbs 39 and 39 idioms 39 . It has 39 tamil glossary 39 to learn english word for tamil word by category vise like foods body parts animals birds etc. . Note: if you have any doubts reach me through e mail sendyoursuggestion ..

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