
Superbook bible, video & games Android App

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superbook bible, video & gamessuperbook bible, video & gamessuperbook bible, video & gamessuperbook bible, video & games
The description of Superbook bible, video & games: This free kid 39 s bible app brings the bible to life for the entire family with a full bible videos images and engaging interactive games. Featuring fourteen (14) full length free episodes from the emmy nominated superbook series including david and goliath the ten commandments daniel and the lions den and the first christmas! The episodes included in the superbook children s bible app are: in the beginning the test! Jacob and esau let my people go! The ten commandments a giant adventure roar! The first christmas miracles of jesus the last supper he is risen the road to damascus revelation jonahother aspects of the superbook children s bible app include:dynamic content within the bible videos and interactive content embedded within the bible so kids can easily interact with each chapter of the children 39 s bible. Biblical answers to hundreds of questions that are common to children..

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