
Simple sound profile widget Android App

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simple sound profile widgetsimple sound profile widgetsimple sound profile widgetsimple sound profile widget
The description of Simple sound profile widget: A convenient way to switch between user defined audio profiles on your android phones. Notice vibrate settings don 39 t work since jelly bean(4. 1). Official stock android 4. 0(ics) links volumes of phone rings and notifications. Profiles like 39 phone only 39 will not work. (Will work fine on cm9 or some other customized ics)features: create and manage your audio profiles. (Support adding editing deleting profiles) a simple but good looking home screen widget for displaying current profile and quick profile switching a status bar icon which indicates the current profile and provides profile switching function. (If your find this icon annoying you can always turn it off in the options menu! ) New: home screen shortcut switch to a profile just by one touch! To those who thought their alarms are muted by this app: if your alarm apps are affected by simple sound profile widget it means that your alarm apps are playing alarm ringtones in phone notification media channel which means they are not well designed to follow android 39 s standards..

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