
Shopping flyers canada Android App

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The description of Shopping flyers canada: Shopping flyers android app provides you with the latest weekly shopping flyers from all the major retailers including best buy futureshop walmart canadian tire staples sears source and many more. Much more flyers than other shopping flyers app all retailers included and categorized to find easily features: get flyers based on your location select in flyer items and view item details flyers categorized into categories such as electronics clothes groceries etc so that they can be browsed through easily and quickly vertical scrolling of flyers global search to search flyers from any retailer double tap to zoom in and zoom outnote: works best on wifi! If you get a crash please send an email to thecuriousdev with your phone model and android version before leaving a bad review! Disclaimer: while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information in the app no warranty of accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied..

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