
Selfie cam - vintage retro app Android App

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selfie cam - vintage retro appselfie cam - vintage retro appselfie cam - vintage retro appselfie cam - vintage retro app
The description of Selfie cam - vintage retro app: Only works on phones with front cameras! Take awesome and amazing selfies! Make them unique with amazing and creative filters! Selfie version of the hip app photolab retro! Now use all the effects on a live camera! Convert normal everyday photos into vintage and grunge style. We have a 100 filters grungevintagesepiablack and whiteretro filtersbokehhipster filtersunicolortake your android phone into the past with some of the most beautiful and unique vintage effects. Come see filters fine tuned to perfection and inspired by old school analog photography. Download this app and see how selfie camera throws back to old school photography with the best real time vintage filters on the play store! Edit photos with this wonderful retro photo editor and share with the world on facebook pinterest instagram and flickr. A wonderful app with a nice hipster and lomo feel ! ..

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