
Scientific calculator kal Android App

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scientific calculator kalscientific calculator kalscientific calculator kalscientific calculator kal
The description of Scientific calculator kal: It is a very complete scientific calculator contains most mathematical functions with the ability to perform graphics functions. It includes a library with one hundred (100) formulas of mathematics and physics ready to use which generates a result after entering the value of its variables it also allows to easily extend the library with your own formulas or functions in general is very easy to use like a real calculator includes a display for writing operations without character limit allows you to use parentheses and respects the hierarchy of expressions the result is displayed on the second line of the display with the ability to update or correct any character when there is an error in the expression. Scientific calculator features: allows make function graphs library formulas typical operations (add subtract multiply divide) exponential functions and root (nth power nth root squaring square root cube root) logarithmic functions (log10 1n powers of 10 exp) trigonometric functions (sin cos tan including inverse and hyperbolic) three angle modes (deg rad gra) random number generator permutations (npr) and combinations (ncr) absolute value factorial allows numbers in scientific notation includes major scientific constants basic operations and converting number systems (decimal hexadecimal octal binary) set number of decimal and thousands separator history of past operations and results allows you to store in memory different results help manual the following features are only available in the professional version (kal pro)..

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