
Salomon running Android App

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The description of Salomon running: With over 90 cities worldwide salomon running app helps you find the best trails in your city. Explore cities in a new way by following routes created by salomon guides discovering hidden spots joining community runs and experiencing the excitement of trail running in an urban environment. Explorediscover over 90 cities worldwide and experience city running in a new way. Help make your running experience even better adding points of interest and sharing the best parts of your city . Track measureunlock even more app features by earning points! The more distance you run and points of interest you cross the more points you receive. Community runssometimes it s just better to run with friends! Salomon running app helps you discover community runs near you. Sign up for free and get reminders when your run is coming up. Join as many times as you like and we guarantee you will discover more in your city than you could imagine..

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