
Rooms of doom - minion madness Android Game

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rooms of doom - minion madnessrooms of doom - minion madnessrooms of doom - minion madnessrooms of doom - minion madness
The description of Rooms of doom - minion madness: Play as dr. Doom s minions where you will run jump slide fly swim and barrel blast your way through dr. Doom s endless rooms! Will it be a combination of a bird and a banana? A sheep and a wolf? Or maybe a bear with a bee? Which minion will prove strong enough to help dr. Doom take over the world? ! Put your reflexes to the test as you dash between 12 different rooms each with their own gameplay with many more rooms come! Unlock and upgrade over 25 minion hybrids each with unique skills abilities and rare skins to collect evade spiders piranhas ghosts fireballs alligators and more as you move through the rooms of dooooooom! ..

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