
Rollercoaster tycoon® 4 mobile Android Game

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The description of Rollercoaster tycoon® 4 mobile: Rollercoaster tycoon 4 mobile is a free to play game with an addictive mixture of strategic planning and simulation. Based on the beloved rollercoaster tycoon franchise this game takes many of the fan favorite features from the original pc games and brings them to mobile. Create and share your theme park construct incredible roller coasters and become the ultimate tycoon! Our latest update includes several awesome new features: multiparks players now have the ability to build multiple parks and build those parks in different environments! World map a beautiful world map mode allows players to travel between their parks and ones made by their closest friends as well as access our scenario and corporation modes! Scenarios test out your tycoon skills in this set of all new park development challenges. Get experience points to win tickets and coins! Corporation mode compete with other rct4m players to attract the most tourists to your park! This new mode allows for direct competition with other players for a fun new way to prove you 39 re the biggest tycoon out there! Camera rotation by popular request we added the ability to rotate your park map around and see it from new angles! Water tiles we added a new water tile to the game allowing you to decorate your park with rivers lakes and more! Having any problems? Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! You can reach us at our support center by going to http: support..

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