
Repetitouch free (root) (ads) Android App

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The description of Repetitouch free (root) (ads): Featured on xda developers: http: www. Xda android repetitouch touch event recorder lifehacker: http: repetitouch records your taps into repeatable actions 1443830413 addictivetips: http: android repetitouch record repeat touch events to automate android tasks chip online: http: beste apps. Chip. De android app repetitouch free android app com. Cygery. Repetitouch. Free repetitouch for android record touch events and replay them! Repetitouch enables easy recording and replaying of touch events . Simply record and replay your touchscreen input! Just click the record button and start recording the panel will stay on top almost all the time! When you 39 re done you can replay your touch events as easily. To access the menu click on the star. But beware replaying touch events can fail or cause unwanted effects for many reasons e. G. If replay is started at a different device state than during the recording or if during replay a popup is shown or something else is different than during recording..

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