
Recipes from cookorama Android App

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recipes from cookoramarecipes from cookoramarecipes from cookoramarecipes from cookorama
The description of Recipes from cookorama: Recipes from cookorama is a a collection of recipes that will allow you to take a fresh look at familiar dishes. The app contains more then 600 recipes with detailed description and step by step photos of cooking process.The ingredients of any recipe can be added to your shopping list.Moreover app will count how many groceries you need to buy for all the selected dishes. And you can mark products that youve already bought.You can add recipes to favorites so their list will be always available.The app doesnt require a permanent internet connection. All viewed recipes are stored on your device.You also can share recipes in social networks send shopping lists by e mail or sms share the app with friends move the application to the memory card save all recipes in memory of the gadget and further viewing offline mode.And its daily updated with new recipes. ..

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