
Rasta theme v2 for go launcher Android App

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rasta theme v2 for go launcherrasta theme v2 for go launcherrasta theme v2 for go launcherrasta theme v2 for go launcher
The description of Rasta theme v2 for go launcher: If you are interested in the subject of rasta and everything related to marijuana this app is for you. You can choose from several wallpaper with theme ganja marijuana leaves on a green background with white and yellow smoke leaves with twists of yellow and white smoke leaves on a red background with smoke and the ganja leaf which she smokes blunt. Basic icons are green and possess marijuana theme the other icons are standard and have a ganja theme the main application menu background is green with smoke the other components are also green and smoky. Our app makes your phone when others will see what you are laid back so show off your marijuana on the phone and another probably also like. Download this green theme for free. This theme contains: cool green icon pack 6 high definition wallpapers with marijuana leafs. You can choose best for you to use our rasta theme with full pleasure..

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