
Prototype iron wolverine Android Game

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prototype iron wolverineprototype iron wolverineprototype iron wolverineprototype iron wolverine
The description of Prototype iron wolverine: In this secret extraterrestrial testing facility you need good running skills to survive. Your mission is to test the prototype iron suit the most impressive created so far by the brain freeze corporation. This is a suit with the hardness of iron and the ferocity and strength of a wolverine out of proportion to its size. Keep your eyes wide open and gather all the iron cores to revive. Collect the coins to buy power ups and more powerful armors like the alien model of the iron wolverine suit that has a deep obstacle detection system and increased durability. The curve detection system and extreme durability are the main features of the tech iron suit. So let s see if you can get out unharmed of this maze of doom.Features of this awesome game: extremely cool armors to test impressive sci fi 3d graphics a lot of power ups to collect many achievements to unlock easy controls cool game music challenging game play fun for all ages..

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