
Powerball scanner lite Android App

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powerball scanner litepowerball scanner litepowerball scanner litepowerball scanner lite
The description of Powerball scanner lite: receive notifications on your phone whenever powerball numbers are drawn! (Full version only not in lite app) enter the numbers you 39 re playing or scan them in if your android device has a back facing camera then receive notifications about how much you 39 ve won as soon as the drawing occurs! (Notifications in full version only not in lite app) check the latest winning numbers jackpot info and drawing information from the app any time review historical winning numbers jackpot info and drawing information optionally roll saved numbers forward week after week automatically (full version only not in lite app)please note: this app does not scan bar codes on tickets it scans the actual numbers row by row on the ticket. Click about in the main menu of the app to watch a video demo of ticket scanning. Powerball scanner lite helps you keep track of all the numbers you play without ever having to check your tickets..

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