
Policeman simulator 2016 Android Game

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The description of Policeman simulator 2016: Here it is the most wanted game the mobile gamers were looking for . Become police man run fast and chase thieves from every corner of the city. Arrest them put them into jail behind the locks and be awarded as policeman hero ! ! Enjoy very first policeman game on android mobile. This is the very unique game idea and there is no other such game on google play store. So hurry up . Be the first to play best free run game before the internet traffic becomes hanged just go online free download play offline game and enjoy the nonstop fun all features fully available for free even no in app purchases game story plan:a gang of thieves have entered into the capital city and is involved in robbing banks shopping malls and citizen. This gang has turned a peaceful city into a crime city. They are also involved in prison break and help their companions to escape from prison..

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