
Police light pro Android App

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police light propolice light propolice light propolice light pro
The description of Police light pro: Application introduction: the application belongs to the tools and entertainment categories and includes police light (led) siren radio and tools for alarm and protection. Application objective: to self protect protect assets fun and surprise others. Warning: do not use application for bad. Usage instruction: run the application. Press menu button and adjust the setting. Touch the screen to start. Menus: about menu: you will receive information on the application introduction and update information when the update is done. Car alarm mode menu: by clicking on this menu the car alarm mode will detect any movements in 5 to 10 seconds after activation. If a movement is detected light and siren alarms work. Then if no movement is detected after alarms the movement detection mode is reactivated. Activate and test by placing it inside your car window. When you want to deactivate car alarm mode just select one of the lights in the lights menu..

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