
Pobs Android Game

Free Apk Files » Puzzle Games

The description of Pobs: one of the top 20 casual puzzle games at android developer challenge 2! Quot pobs is an amazing logic game similar to checkers or reversi but with unique game mechanics the game takes place on a level made of hexagonal cells. Each player owns pobs of a distinct color. With each move you can choose either to jump with a pob or to copy it to a free neighbour cell. Consequently all the opponent 39 s pobs near your newly placed pob will become yours! The goal of the game is to capture as many pobs as possible. The game ends when no more cells are available. Features: 6 game modes! 60 exciting levels (20x3) 3 difficulty levels multi player capabilities easy controls addictive gameplay great replayability factor beautiful graphics and animation for kids and adults! Secret unlockable game mode small normal and large screens compatibility automatic save on pause exit call app2sd support heyzap check in service new! Openfeint integration new! Achievements (7 + 3 secret) new! This version is supported by ads..

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