
Pitput the fastest way to chat Android App

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pitput the fastest way to chatpitput the fastest way to chatpitput the fastest way to chatpitput the fastest way to chat
The description of Pitput the fastest way to chat: Your life is moving so fast and we understand it! We have developed pitput to let you chat even faster providing you the first real time chatting app. Simply put it reproduces any oral conversation. With pitput you see your friend s messages as they are writing it and can answer before they are done. With pitput you are able to interact with each other much more spontaneously and actively. Features real time chat: no more is typing or . Pitput allows you to really chat for the first time . Ephemeral conversation: just like in a face to face conversation nothing is saved. When a conversation is over it s over. The conversation will disappear from the screen and nothing will be stored on our servers. New presence button: finally a meaningful presence button: if it shows green next to your friend 39 s the other person 39 s name they 39 re here with you! And many other hidden features that you will discover as you use the app ! ! ! ..

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