
Pinky keyboard Android App

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The description of Pinky keyboard: this app is compatible with various keyboards after you download our theme press the 39 open 39 button and after that 39 apply 39 and follow instructions. To use the custom font included press long 39 ? 123 39 key go to 39 advanced settings 39 select 39 font settings 39 then 39 scan fonts 39 and select font that has pinky keyboard on it. For more details see the last screenshot presentation video. If you have any issues bugs or errors please contact us at bestthemes11 . Please rate and or send us your thoughts in the comment section. The theme is high definition and tablet friendly. Our applications are all translated in 48 different languages. This is a premium yet free app made possible by the use ads and your support. Thank you for using best themes! Please rate us do you like pink color? If the answer is yes you must try this new pinky keyboard theme for your smartphone or tablet..

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