
Pic collage Android App

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The description of Pic collage: Piccollage is the popular collage maker that has everything you need to create unique collages with your photos. With our new layout and clean design it s even easier to unleash your creativity. This holiday play with our seasonal stickers backgrounds and templates. Create fun christmas hannukah and new year s collages and enjoy new brand content from packman and hello kitty. We ve improved our grid options and now you can customize the size and layout of your collage with the touch of a button! Use our powerful web search feature to find the perfect photos to add to your amazing creations add gifs and stickers share on social media or print your collages at home with the touch of a button by connecting to your wireless printer! Join over 50 million people who love to create using piccollage. Awesome features: import multiple photos from your photo gallery album facebook and web image search..

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