
Offline idioms dictionary Android App

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The description of Offline idioms dictionary: Idioms phrases proverbs homonyms dictionary is a free offline dictionary app with over 20000 words with usage of english idioms and phrases with meanings and usage insentences. Its a 4 in 1 offline english dictionary also with the following included1. Idioms dictionary 2. Proverb dictionary3. Phrases dictionary4. Homonyms and confused wordsnow no internet required for word searching . Its time to learn about idioms phrases and proverb meanings along with usageon the go offline now . Features completely offline complete search (all ) idioms search seperately phrases search separately proverbs search separately homonyms confused words separately shows a meaning along with its usage option to bookmark words. Share meanings via app. Regular updates complete support clear and concisethis dictionarywill help you in your career plan and helps in preparation of english as well as competitive exams and curriculum exams ..

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