
Night lamp Android App

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night lampnight lampnight lampnight lamp
The description of Night lamp: Enjoy this application in all the ways possible. Its main function is to serve as a bedside lamp for having a dim light in the room while you or your children are trying to sleep. You can program it to turn off automatically. So you don 39 t need to care for its remaining on all night long. You can also use it for relaxing turn off the lights. Fill up the bath tube with warm water and make sure you add enough soap to get the right amount of relaxing foam. You may want to put in some exclusive salts as well. Wear a towel or your head. Tale your phone and choose the color according to your mood. Put it aside and it 39 s done! Let your mind expel all stress and worries out. That 39 s the magic of chromotherapy. What is chromotherapy? Chromotherapy also called color therapy is a natural technique widely used in alternative medicine. Its purpose is to relief the body of many diseases by using colors each color having a different electromagnetic wavelenth and energy to which our body reacts accordingly..

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