
Mywatch live wallpaper Android Live Wallpaper

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mywatch live wallpapermywatch live wallpapermywatch live wallpapermywatch live wallpaper
The description of Mywatch live wallpaper: mywatch live wallpaper inspired by apple watch we increased the functionality of the analog clock weather forecasts including weather conditions temperature relative humidity wind speed wind direction etc. It also increases the sunrise and sunset time and battery power display. I hope you enjoy this analog clock. Function description:1 the city added management self selected city weather conditions displayed on the live wallpaper sunrise and sunset times2. Define the source of weather information3. The definition of personalized wind speed temperature units4. Maintenance and automatically updated weather information5 custom text color6 custom clock disk scale colorwatch a trademark of apple inc. With all material sources of the network if violated your rights and interests please contact us e mail: luqingling3379 thank you! Thank the following open source projects:worldclockhttps:..

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