
My blue bird Android App

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The description of My blue bird: My blue bird has been completely rewritten. See available blue bird or silver bird taxis around you in real time across 6 locations in indonesia: jakarta bandung semarang surabaya bali medan. Place a booking now or place an advanced booking single or even multiple booking at the same time. Estimate the taxi arrival time and distance to your pickup location and track your assigned taxi in real time. Call your driver without revealing your phone number to our driver. Share your trip with your friends and family and let them see how far you are still away. Manage your own favorite locations easily by accessing them directly from your home screen including default pickup notes for your driver. Estimate your fare before starting your trip. Beta in this version: keep track of your journeys through the in app history as well as e mail receipts post trip. Pay for your trips using cash or go cashless with blue bird 39 s new evoucher solution for corporate customers. ..

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