
Monkey write ★ learn chinese Android App

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monkey write ★ learn chinesemonkey write ★ learn chinesemonkey write ★ learn chinesemonkey write ★ learn chinese
The description of Monkey write ★ learn chinese: winner of samsung galaxy note app challenge learn to write chinese with monkey write! Chinese characters are written in a specific order to give them structure. Follow the stroke numbers to learn to write each character. When you are confident turn off the stroke numbers and see if you can do it yourself. The stroke widths vary according to your writing pressure. It works with your finger capacitive stylus as well as active stylus such as the samsung s pen from galaxy note the htc scribe digital stylus from htc flyer or the directstylus from tegra note. Monkey write is lightweight and fun great for children and adults alike. When you have learned all the characters in the introduction workbook go back to the bookshelf and download some more. There are many workbooks to choose from so you can learn auspicious characters for the calligraphy in your living room or pick up a chinese menu and figure out if you 39 re eating beef or lamb..

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