
Mirror + selfie camera Android App

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mirror + selfie cameramirror + selfie cameramirror + selfie cameramirror + selfie camera
The description of Mirror + selfie camera: Please watch the teach video to know how to use it. Mirror + selfie camera (best mirror app for free)let your phone become a perfect smart mirror. Handy! Press mirror region to show hide menu. Quick mirror camera guideline when application start it will hide all the menu. So it is really like a mirror. You can use the following method to change other settings:1. Press mirror region to show hide menu. 2. Drag the red seek bar to change screen brightness. 3. Drag the pink seek bar 1 to change camera exposure. 4. Drag the pink seek bar 2 to let mirror zoom in out. 5. Press bulb button enable disable night mode. 6. Press mirror button to change capture mode. (Capture with image on mirror or your real image )7. Press the pause resume button to pause resume preview. (Freeze image) then double click the freeze image to let mirror zoom in out. (Or use two fingers to let mirror zoom in out)8..

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