
Mega photo Android App

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The description of Mega photo: Mega photo is the 1 app for transforming your photos and videos into fun and inspiring masterpieces with 100+ of free effects! Twist morph pinch and warp your photos into outrageous designs! You can even spin your images in 3 d. There are over 100 free effects to choose from and you see them all in real time. You can take videos with the effects too! You can pause the recording to switch effects in the middle of your video. Make a music video by selecting a soundtrack from your music library! Effects include: tunnel mosaic puzzle hue shift motion blur tile emboss spinning cube x ray collage night vision halftone light tunnel and many more. There 39 s also 40 vintage camera effects for a retro feel. Mega photo will transform your photos and videos with amazing effects you won 39 t find in other photography apps. It 39 s the most fun you can have with your photos! Transform your photos in amazing ways mega photo makes your photos and videos as unique as you are..

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