
Mazagy – ‘share your status‘ Android App

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mazagy – ‘share your status‘mazagy – ‘share your status‘mazagy – ‘share your status‘mazagy – ‘share your status‘
The description of Mazagy – ‘share your status‘: mazagy makes your call truly personal! It lets your friends know your status or mood before you even answer the phone! You can also send your status or mood as a notification in a form of a card we call a mizo or share your status or mood on facebook or twitter. Mazagy does this by letting you share a status or a mood that you created using a 7 seconds looping video a photo amazagy animation or even a gif. Add a personal message to your status or mood as a text overlay and your friends will see it while you are calling them or send your status or mood directly to your friends as a notification you can also share it to your facebook or twitter accounts! Use mazagy camera to take a7 seconds looping video a snapshot or upload a photo to express your status or mood and share with friends. The text overlay could be in any language you can easily add emoticons or an emoji to describe your status or mood..

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