
Math flash cards (free) Android App

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math flash cards (free)math flash cards (free)math flash cards (free)math flash cards (free)
The description of Math flash cards (free): Math flash cards (free):children can build and improve essential math skills in: addition subtraction multiplication and division. Features include: new: option to allow cards in order (for quicker memorization) or random new: option to show correct answer if wrong option to select addition subtraction or multiplication division together friendly and encouraging voice adjustable countdown timer for test like conditions top and bottom number ranges can be edited number ranges: 0 to 50 for addition and subtraction number ranges: 0 to 20 for multiplication and division option to allow three tries option to repeated missed cards for review at the end scores list to review improvementthis app is free but is support by ads. A paid ad free version is also available. Bugs or suggestions? Please let us know through email. ..

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