
Mars in hd gyro 3d xl only Android Game

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The description of Mars in hd gyro 3d xl only: the must have live wallpaper for every martian ) features: ultra hd resolution textures made for tablets! (But works on phones too of course) incredible 3d parallax effect. Uses gyroscope accelerometer uses real satellite imagery of mars and photographs of our milkyway (see below) sun and stars already included ) stunning lens flare effect brightness ambient settings adjust the martian time of the year absolutely 100 ad free!Extra features in this version: daydream (screensaver) mode zoom and move the camera freely by using two fingers! Adjust planetary rotation speed adjust various animation and fading parameters set your desired custom viewhint: try it once with one eye closed while viewing. Its surprising but then the 3d effect is even more impressive.This is the xl version of mars in hd gyro 3d free. If you want to try the free version first please check our other apps. The free version is also completely .....

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