
Makan di mana Android App

Free Apk Files » Travel Apps

makan di manamakan di manamakan di manamakan di mana
The description of Makan di mana: 39 makan di mana 39 will help you to find the nearest restaurant from your location. This application was issued by the culinary site number 1 in indonesia . Plenty culinary database all over indonesia. Fresh design with simple user interface. Nearby restaurant : get recommended places to eat based on the location nearest you. Hari ini : get daily restaurant reference for every day promo : get nearby promo information and promo from credit card issuer search: with a search by area or category find the best places to eat there and view the menus and ongoing promo. Daily recommendation: get daily recommendation from . Share: share the information to your friends with twitter facebook or email. Makan di sini : check in on your restaurant spot click your dish and then share to your buddy on social media bookmark : save your favorite venue on makan di mana to your bookmark featuredstay tuned for the update feature and feel free to contact us for any feedback or bug reported..

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