
Love or friendship calculator Android App

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love or friendship calculatorlove or friendship calculatorlove or friendship calculatorlove or friendship calculator
The description of Love or friendship calculator: Find out if yours is true love or you are the best friends. The line between love of friendship is very thin and difficult to differentiate. Want to know how to differentiate the love of friendship? Download this free android app will help you clarify your feelings. Often there is confusion with feelings. Want to know if you are compatible? Enter your name and your potential mate and calculates your love or friendship. The test result varies every day according to the stars and your moodis it love or friendship? The compatibility test of love or friendship analyzes the compatibility with that special someone and at what point is your relationship or friendship. This calculator chat will give a score based on your names. A complex mathematical formula is designed to achieve. Deal with your soul mate this test you will be surprised. Your meter will show the percentage of your love compatibility and your support in friendship..

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