
Lost world survival simulator Android Game

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lost world survival simulatorlost world survival simulatorlost world survival simulatorlost world survival simulator
The description of Lost world survival simulator: Be ready for jurassic adventures on survival island full of dinosaurs! Welcome to the lost world desert island inhabited by dinosaurs. Seem like time turned back to the jurassic age! Be a survivor lost and lonely and try to stay alive at all costs! Hunt for wild animals battle against powerful jurassic dinos build shelters to hide and thrive in this strange hostile environment survival island! Hunt craft battle explore but keep your weapons alert tyrannosaurus velociraptor and other dinos are hiding in bushes! Explore lost world and meet dangerous jurassic animals dinos! Some of them might be herbivorous but some dinosaurs are really dangerous! Avoid meeting with tyrannosaurus or velociraptor don t forget that your main goal is to survive! Walk around this mysterious land find weapons and other survival tools which could help you to stay alive! Salvage all the tools and weapons or craft your own ones! It s a kind of hard job to live on uninhabited island especially if it s inhabited by dangerous dinosaurs! Hunt for animals to find food battle against tyrannosaurs velociraptor or other dinos for your life build shelters to have a rest and discover the secrets of lost world with this island survival simulator in 3d! Mind character indicators to survive on jurassic island full of dangers! Use all your exploration battling and survival skills just to stay alive! Mind health energy and fullness! Never let one of these drops it will let you no chance to survive! Find or craft special survival tools weapons axes fishing rods or just sticks to make fire..

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