
Lost temple Android Game

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The description of Lost temple: The latest and coolest running game in temple series 2013! Hd and 3d screen gorgeous and smooth action! This time our escaping route is built in an isolated island on an unknown ocean where human never steps. Don t you want to explore what kinds of mystery and dangerous trap are waiting for your characters? Take up your phone now and download the most exciting escape! Description:the hottest ios game lost temple now finally hits on android! It s a thrilling escape running game you are chased by an unknown monster in a desert island and must do your utmost to run as far as you can! Easy control and master the farther you run the higher scores you get. You can also unlock special quests to gain extra scores! In lost temple apart from experience normal mode you can have a try on monster mode in which you are the monster and you must run to catch up humans. Join it and challenge yourselves! Game features: 4 unique and special scenes! Slide to turn and jump to collect more coins! Buy more power ups and equipment to help your characters run farther! Amazing 3d visual effects! Exciting zombie mode! 9+ different characters! Challenge the highest scores with your friends..

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