
Lizard in phone funny joke Android App

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The description of Lizard in phone funny joke: This application will display very realistic animation of a crawling lizard on the screen of your phone. High quality and fluency of animation of the reptile will let you trick your friends easily. They will think there is a real lizard moving on the screen of their phones. You will make a great fun of them. Animation of lizard is displayed on transparent background and on the top of all running programs in phone. User can use his mobile phone normally while a real looking lizard moves on his screen. No game or application will cover the reptile even the top notification bar. Application gives you possibility to set the time after which the realistic animation will be displayed. Additionally you can set transparent notification icon displayed in android notification bar. Both settings will make it much easier to trick your friends. How can you scare somebody? Borrow your friend s mobile phone under the pretext of sending sms or checking something on the internet..

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