
Lego® mindstorms® commander Android App

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lego® mindstorms® commanderlego® mindstorms® commanderlego® mindstorms® commanderlego® mindstorms® commander
The description of Lego® mindstorms® commander: robot commander is the official command app from lego mindstorms . Free to download on most smart devices robot commander connects via bluetooth to the ev3 intelligent brick. This easy to use app allows you to interact with your very own ev3 robots without even connecting to a computer! That means you can play instantly with your own robots! Ev3rstorm with integrated voice control software to command ev3rstorm s every move. R3ptar at the shake or flick of your wrist r3ptar slithers and strikes with cobra like movements track3r at your thumb tips you control track3r s mechanical tracks to steer your way out of danger and hammer shoot or clear your path using the interchangeable tools. Spik3r pinch control spik3r s clasping claws whilst the joystick controls forward and side movement plus a shoot button commands the lightning tail. Gripp3r with the thumb controlled joystick steer gripp3r to your target and at a touch of a button lift and carry the item to its destination..

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