
Kids paint and color Android Game

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kids paint and colorkids paint and colorkids paint and colorkids paint and color
The description of Kids paint and color: Kids color kids paint totally free with nothing to buy now or in game no in app purchases thank you for downloading our kids color and kids paint game. We have designed this fun educational game with kids in mind. Our coloring game contains 60 fun to color and paint images.Images are in sets of 10 for each of the following categories.1. Flowers2. Cartoons3. Cars4. Princesses5. Animals6. Sportshow to use kids color and kids paint appinstall kids color and paint app open app select new painting and select category to choose image.Once image is selecting you will be in the main painting screen.Here you will find the following optionssave image undo color selector bucket mode pencil mode play pause for music share button.On the bottom of the screen is a set of few colors to choose from. Keep in mind you can make your own color with the color selector option on top the of the screen.Once you have colored in an image..

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