
Is-it love? matt - dating sim Android Game

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is-it love? matt - dating simis-it love? matt - dating simis-it love? matt - dating simis-it love? matt - dating sim
The description of Is-it love? matt - dating sim: The second otome game (dating game) in our is it love? Series is now available in english. Try out this brand new love game with a french touch! Get ready for the holidays festive updates get the winter pack discover the winter iconsynopsisfor three months now you ve been working at carter corp a company founded by the mysterious r. Carter and based in new york. You immediately get on well with your work colleague matt ortega. A charming and sweet guy who seems to always find words that make you smile. You feel extremely attracted to him and have set your mind on seducing him. But the moment you move up a gear his brother steps in and his arrival may well change things...This is your story! You are the heroine of this free scenario game! Beyond simply reading the choices you make influence the story and its final outcome. New stories and new chapters are regularly released allowing you to live the love story you ve always dreamed of..

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