
Insta mirror: mirror photo Android App

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insta mirror: mirror photoinsta mirror: mirror photoinsta mirror: mirror photoinsta mirror: mirror photo
The description of Insta mirror: mirror photo: The perfect app to create mirror photo with insta size. Insta mirror is a feature rich app you can create mirror photo with cool filters and nice frames you can add text overlay on the photo adjust the text color size and font after making awesome pictures you can collage them together you can adjust the layouts(more than 50 layouts) adjust the border color width and radius. Insta mirror has many powerful functions and easy to use ui you will like it! Insta mirror features: create mirror photo from gallery or camera. Create photo collage adjust border width color radius. Add text overlay on the photo adjust text size color font. Randomly mix mirror effect frame together to create amazing mirror photo. Create different mirror style photo: 13 mirror styles. Drag the photo to adjust the position of photo. Add many popular effects to mirror photo: more than 40 effects..

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