
Indiatv live Android App

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The description of Indiatv live: Official indiatv live tv app! Version 3. 0in this release :1. Radio feature lets you listen to live india tv news. 2. Stay updated on the current running show with indiatv schedule widget. 3. Latest and breaking news in hindi from india and around the world. Version 2. 0 in this release :1. Bug fixes on chunk based stream processing for a few models and geolocations2. Api enhancements for better control and switching on the basis of connection type3. Updated home screen . Version 1. 0 the app features live broadcast of india s no. 1 hindi news channel indiatv news. Stay updated with the latest breaking news from the fields of politics business india world sports crime entertainment lifestyle technology and astrology. Indiatv has a state of the art digital connectivity and its own broadcast centre. Compatibility:app is compatible with 2g 3g networks and uses cutting edge technology to enable adaptive bit rates enabling smooth delivery of live tv on smart phones..

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