
Important anniversary Android App

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important anniversaryimportant anniversaryimportant anniversaryimportant anniversary
The description of Important anniversary: trust all the important birthdays anniversaries and to do notes on this app! So you can never forget to sent presents or messages to them in due time! This app can make you anticipating the coming of your important day by counting every day down. Features log in scheduleyou can press re log button to log in then input the name and date of schedule and press save . If you select anniversary birthday or to do note button before saving the schedule will be saved under the category accordingly . In addition you can also take down related things in note to remind you of details. Edit and deleteyou can confirm the details of logged schedule by tapping on it or edit and delete the schedule. Tab all confirm the list of anniversaries birthdays and to do notes. Anniversary you can have a clear view of how many days until the anniversary knowing how many anniversaries you have been through by tapping on it..

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