
Hindi dictionary pro Android App

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hindi dictionary prohindi dictionary prohindi dictionary prohindi dictionary pro
The description of Hindi dictionary pro: It is a bilingual dictionary with english to hindi and hindi to english meaning. If you are reading ebook pdf internet pages etc and have some doubt with word no need to minimize the thing you are reading. Simply select the word and copy. It will give you the result. It consists more than 12. 7 lakh+ results (hindi 2. 09 lakh + eng 9. 7 lakh). It have most of the words which published by oed(oxford university press) chambers collins longman macmillan and merriam webster 39 s learner 39 s dictionary. The light weight version of this dictionary hindi dictionary pro is available which is without english to english meaning synonyms antonyms etc. Services incorporated1. English hindi dictionary2. Hindi english dictionary3. Copy to get meaning on the spot4. English to english meaning synonyms related words antonyms (if available). 5. English word usage with sentences. (Use with go to main dictionary option main dictionary if available)6..

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